Sunday 11 February 2024



I hurl a firefly into the darkness
and sense the enormity of night.
—Kyoshi Takahama

stirs the clouds
in the sky's teabowl

Tonight I saw
how the peony crumples
in the fire's embers
—Katoh Shuhson,

It fills me with anger,
this moon; it fills me
and makes me whole
—Takeshita Shizunojo

stood at the end of the hall
in the long shadows
—Watanabe Hakusen

Because he is slow to wrath,
I tackle him, then wring his neck
in the long grass
—Shimazu Ryoh

Pale mountain sky:
cherry petals play
as they tumble earthward
—Kusama Tokihiko

The frozen moon,
the frozen lake:
two oval mirrors reflecting each other.
—Hashimoto Takako,

The bitter winter wind
ends here
with the frozen sea
—Ikenishi Gonsui

Bitter winter wind,
why bellow so
when there's no leaves to blow?
—Natsume Soseki, 

The lamp extinguished,
once-distant stars
enter my window.
—Natsume Soseki

Winter waves
their own shadows
—Tominaga Fûsei

No sky,
no land:
just snow eternally falling...
—Kajiwara Hashin

a single chestnut leaf glides
on brilliant water

The snake slipped away
but his eyes, holding mine,
still stare in the grass
—Kyoshi Takahama

Murmurs follow the hay cart
this blossoming summer day
—Ippekiro Nakatsuka,