Saturday 28 March 2009


Dexter ended this week.

This is the end of series 2, which has very much veered away from the books.

There are three books (so far) in the series:

Darkly Dreaming Dexter
Dearly Devoted Dexter
Dexter In The Dark.

The end of S2 sees the death of Dex's nemesis Sgt Doakes. In the books, Doakes is captured by a serial killer and rescued in the nick of time - but not before losing his hands, feet and tongue. He makes an appearance in book 3, turning up with metal hands and feet, and unable to talk properly. Dex refers to it as "the sudden re-appearance of 65% of Sgt Doakes".

Book 3 tells us more about the true, perhaps supernatural, origins of The Dark Passenger, as Dex meets his most fearsome opponent yet.

There is also a great subplot involving the children Cody and Astor, who are like Dexter. A chance for Dex to pass on Harry's code to the next generation.

Perhaps both these plots will be examined in series 3.