Tuesday 23 January 2024



The English name is derived from Middle English Tewesday, from Old English Tiwesdæg meaning "Tīw's Day", the day of Tiw or Týr, the god of single combat, law, and justice in Norse mythology

Tiw was equated with Mars in the interpretatio germanica, and the name of the day is a translation of Latin dies Martis.

This was named after the Nordic god Tyr. Tyr was the God of War, like the Roman war god Mars, and Greek god Ares. In Latin, Tuesday is called Martis dies which means "Mars's Day".

Mars is a god of war, and so is the Nordic god 'Tyr' or 'Tír'. It is Týr who has given his name to Tuesday. In Norse mythology, Týr is one of the Aesir. He is primarily known as the god of justice and war, but is also described as wise and brave.

Become "day of the waters" in the Old Testament, chosen by the Lord to split the waters from land, "day when the Earth was made", Tuesday, blessed in this way, was charged with countless therapeutically values.

On Tuesday morning of Holy Week (the week of Palm Sunday through Resurrection Sunday), Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem. They passed the withered fig tree on their way (which he had cursed on Monday, a sign for unbelieving religioud leaders), and Jesus spoke to his companions about the importance of faith

On Holy Tuesday, some observe Christ's predictions of his own death, as described in John 12:20–36 and John 13:21–38. (In the Tridentine Mass the Passion according to St. Mark is read instead.)

Holy Tuesday follows Christ's return to Jerusalem from Bethany, not to be confused with his triumphant return to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday after being tested in the desert. After Palm Sunday Jesus goes to Bethany, and on Tuesday he returns to Jerusalem, to go onwards to the Mount of Olives.