Wednesday 13 May 2009

Maybe Angels

So are there angels on Earth and if so, why aren't they doing anything about society's problems such as crime, war and poverty?

Well it's probably because their mission is too complicated for us to understand. We are looking at it in a simplistic human way.

We have a tradition of superheroes in our literature. People with super powers who fight crime and evil to protect the rest of us (see the film Unbreakable for an interesting take on this).

Take The Matrix film as an example. Morpheus, Trinity and, in particular Neo, have superpowers. They could come into The Matrix and function as a kind of Justice League. However, the mission of Morpheus and co is the greater purpose of freeing the human race from The Matrix itself and delivering them to Zion. Their enemies are the enemies of the human race, the machine programs such as Smith and the Agents.

So acting as a JLA, fighting human on human crime, would be pointless. Especially as none of it is real anyway.

From the point of view of somebody living in The Matrix, unaware of the machines, the Real World, and Zion, it would seem like Morpheus and co are a Justice League. This is, in fact, the POV presented at the start of the film, with Neo seeing Morpheus as a mythical freedom fighter.

So it is for the people living in the "Matrix" that our world is for us, a consensual reality. Form our POV we can't concieve of what the true misson of the angels is. But it isn't to solve human on human problems. Which aren't actually happening anyway.

Which is why even Hitler went to Heaven.