Saturday 30 May 2009


As we know from the Bible all Jewish men were circumcised early in life ever since the time of Abraham.

Well we also know that when JC healed somebody, He made them whole again. Blind men could see, paralysed people could walk, lepers gre back the bits that had fallen off.

So when JC touched these Jewish men did their foreskins grow back?

(you can imagine the surprise of a healed Jew "hello, what's this then? Wahey! Has anyone else got one of these?")

Also, when JC was resurrected, did He get His foreskin back?

And, while we're on the subject, why does God let us be born with foreskins just so we can cut them off as a covenant with Him?

("Let's get this straight - we're your chosen people and you want us to cut off the tips of our what??")

I'm just speculating of course. It's no skin off my nose.