Saturday 16 March 2024


A wolf that takes a peasant to supper probably won’t need any breakfast.

A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.

It’s harder for the spider to catch the fly, than for the fly to catch the horse.”

Only someone with nothing to be sorry about smiles at the rear of an elephant.”

“When the wolf is chasing your sleigh, toss him a raisin cookie but don’t stop to see if he eats it.”

If the butterfly has teeth like the tiger, he’d never make it out of the hangar.”

  • “Though the hippopotamus has no stinger in his tail, the wise man would rather be sat on by the bee.”

  • “When an owl comes to a mouse picnic, it’s not there for the sack races.”

  • “No matter how warm the smile on the face of the sun, the cat still has her kittens under the porch.”

  • “The chicken that clucks the loudest is the one most likely to go to the Steamfitter’s Picnic.”

  • “A duck with three wings and a loaf of bread is brother to the turkey.

  • If your socks are not in your shoes, don’t look for them in Heaven.