Tuesday 21 July 2009

Captain America

Captain America is the most American of icons.

He was created during World War II to fight for Truth, Justice and The American Way, mainly against the Nazis.

So how does all that translate to the post-9/11 World?

Will anybody outside the USA even care?

According to Marvel, people want to see action films, adventure films, and, most important of all, well told stories. Cap has a unique dichotomy. He starts off as the creation of a US Army programme to create the Ultimate Soldier during WWII, gets frozen for a couple of decades, then wakes up in the present day.

Marvel plan an Indiana Jones type WWII adventure in the beginning, then the story of him being lost and re-emerging in the modern era in a very different world. He'll learn that things aren't so black and white anymore. Or perhaps they never were.

There have been a couple of crap Cap films before - one in 1944 and one in 1991.

So who would play him? 7 years ago Brad Pitt would have been a good choice. Nowadays however there is no A lister who could do the role. Which means going for an unknown, like they did with Superman.

Most important of all, we'll see how Nick Fury and The Avengers story arc fit into this story, following Iron Man and Hulk. In the comics, Cap was found by The Avengers and joined the team that way.