Monday 19 January 2009


Have you see this yet?

It's like a British Buffy, if Xander were the slayer instead of a girl. Only he's not a Slayer who slays demons, he's a Smiter who smites them. In a nice twist he's the last descendant of Van Helsing - more the Hugh Jackman than the book version.

He has a watcher, who's not called a watcher. In another twist, he's supposed to be American. Whereas Rupert Giles, Buffy's Watcher was an Englishman in LA, this watcher is Rupert GALVIN. Quite why he should be American is never explained, as you'd think these sorts would all be English anyway. He's played by Gene Hunt from Ashes To Ashes and the accent is totally unconvincing.

Supporting cast include their own version of Willow, called Ruby. And Mina Harker, as in the Bride of Dracula. Rather than the fierce vampire lady we saw in League Of Extraordinary Gentleman, she's a blind pianist. It's never explained if she's a vampire, though it's hinted that she's very old and has a 6th sense.

And although Giles, I mean Galvin, isn't a librarian, they have a library. Which they call The Stacks.

Maybe this will go on to become a good show, maybe it'll get axed after one series.