Wednesday 28 August 2024

 Above all, don't lie to yourself. 

The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others

. And having no respect he ceases to love.

 What is worse?

A lie that draws a smile?

Or a truth that draws a tear?

 You see but your shadow when you turn your back to the sun.

 you can never wash anything completely away, not from this dark glass of a world,


 there's another force as well, one every bit as real as the God ..., 

and that it works consciously to bring all our decent impulses to ruin. ..., 

but a kind of demon of discord, a prankish and stupid thing

 that laughs with glee when an old man sets himself on fire trying to light his pipe

 or when a much-loved baby puts its first Christmas toy in its mouth and chokes to death on it.

 It’s what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future


The true experience of freedom: 

having the most important thing in the world without owning it


If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new Hello.

 In the Church they don't think.

A bishop keeps on saying at the age of eighty what he was told to say when he was a boy of eighteen.

 When the sea bears away a single grain of sand, the whole of the continent grows smaller.

We don't notice of course. It's just a grain of sand.

But at that moment the continent is diminished.

 When you Cross Over you will understand the many ways you were a fool in this world.

Everyone over there understands everyone over here better than we understand ourselves 

- and they forgive us our foolishness.


they too stand in the sunlight, but with their backs to the sun?

They see only their shadows, and their shadows are their laws.



For in truth it is life that gives unto life-

while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness


 life ushered us and we came down the years throbbing with memories of yesterday and with longing for tomorrow, 

for yesterday was death conquered and tomorrow was birth pursued

 The world that humanity has made is different from the world it was given.

The given world dazzles with wonder, poetry, and purpose.

The man made world is a perverse realm of ego and envy. 

Power mad cynics make false idols of themselves, and the meek have no inheritance because they have surrendered it to their idols in return, not for lasting glory, but for an occassional parade. 

Not for bread, but for the promise of bread.

 The wise men understood that this natural world is only an image and a copy of paradise. 

The existence of this world is simply a guarantee that there exists a world that is perfect.

 God created the world so that, through its visible objects, men could understand his spiritual teachings and the marvels of his wisdom.


The only thing scarier than space aliens is the idea that there aren't any space aliens.

We can't be the best that creation has to offer.

 with age, people come to realize that death is inevitable. 

And we  learn to face it with serenity, wisdom and resignation. 

Death often frees us from a lot of senseless sufferings

 Death is our constant companion, 

and it is death that gives each person's life its true meaning

 No one lights a lamp in order to hide it behind the door: 

the purpose of light is to create more light, to open people's eyes, to reveal the marvels around


There is a skull in every man, 

and there is a skull in the lives of all men. 

They saw it that day, those men. 

They saw what sometimes grins behind the smile.

 Everyone— black as well as white— thinks it's going to be better over the next jump of land.

 your possessions are things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow


If we were all to sit in a circle and confess our sins, we would laugh at each other for lack of originality. 

 In the wild you don’t see old animals

because as soon as they age,
animals die.

If they get sick or slow down,
something stronger kills them.

Animals aren’t meant to get old.

Our culture has made death something wrong.

Old animals should be an unnatural exception.


Forgiveness is almost a selfish act

because of its immense benefits to the one who forgives.


It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution


What you have done is out there.

And what you have done remembers.


our biggest regrets are not for the things we did, but for the things we didn't do.

Things we didn't say that could've save someone that we care about


The rest of your life is a long time.

And the rest of your life starts right now.

 If you could go back and change one thing about your life, would you?

And if you did, would that change make your life better?
Or would that change ultimately break your heart?
Or break the heart of another?

Or would you choose an entirely different path?
Or would you change just one thing, just one moment?

One moment, that you've always wanted back.

 Have you ever wondered what marks our timing?

If one life can really make an impact on the world?
Or if the choices we make matter?

I believe they do.

And I believe that one person can change many lives.

For better, or worse.


There is a common emotion we all recognize and have not yet named

 - the happy anticipation of being able to feel contempt.

 when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair, remember it’s only in the black of night you see the stars. 

 Paulo Coelho's blog 

 somebody asked him

"Best piece of advice you have ever been given?".

Paulo's reply was simple:

"Don’t follow advices. Try it yourself."

I myself made this reply:

"So the best piece of advice you’ve ever given is not to follow advice 

 I’m certainly going to follow that advice! "

 All psychopaths are narcissists

They love to read about themselves


maybe we were all circus mice, 

running around with only the dimmest awareness that God and all His heavenly host were watching us in our  houses through our ivy-glass windows


I dreamed of you. 

I dreamed you were wandering in the dark, and so was I. 

We found each other.


They found this guy in Maine who had been living completely alone in the woods for 30 years.

 They called him the last true hermit. 

30 years without the warmth of human touch, without conversation. 

The hermit felt more lonely when he was out in the world, than he ever felt in the woods by himself. Surrounded by people, but drowning in solitude. 

That kind of loneliness can swallow you whole. 

The last true hermit was found and dragged out of hiding and into the world. Most might find his existence sad, but the hermit knew something we didn't. He knew that when it comes down to it, even when you're with someone, or in the noisy rush of people, it's just you. 

The one you can count on, and lean on, and depend on. It has to be you. 

And once you figure that out, that's when being alone becomes a choice.


When exposed to trauma, the body deploys its own defense system. 

From the first second the brain receives the signal that a catastrophe has happened, the blood rushes to the organs that need help the most. Blood floods into the muscles, the lungs, the heart, the brain. 

The brain makes a decision for the rest of the body. Either face the danger or run away. It's a mechanism designed to protect the body from harm. 

From knowing that what has happened might be irreparable, we call it 'shock'.

 When shock wears off, when the body can accept that a trauma has happened, when it can let down its defences, it's a scary moment. It's vulnerable. 

The shock response had protected us, and it just might have saved us.

still alive


Being alive, it's everything. 

Time to celebrate.

 And yes, time for pain. 

Time to change. To grow. To love. 

And time to give.


Sometimes, the things we fight hardest to achieve end up costing us the most. 

But it doesn't mean the effort was a waste. 

Every experience can teach us something if we choose to receive the lesson. 

But what we learn may completely surprise us.


There will be no shortage of times when you feel like giving up, but you can't let that fear or desperation stop you. 

Even when you feel trapped. Even when it feels like there is no end in sight. Even when things are moving faster than you can comprehend. 

Even when every part of you is certain that all is lost.


Researchers have theorized that nightmares are the brain's way of processing unsettling events of the past. 

Others believe nightmares are how our subconscious mind prepares us to do deal with our real-life fears. 

Either way, they agree that nightmares are most commonly brought on by one thing: stress.

 Sometimes, your worst nightmare comes true but you find it's really nothing to worry about.

 Occasionally, you discover that what you most dread is really a blessing and your life is better because you persevered despite your fears. 

But sometimes your worst nightmare is truly scary and it feels like it's never going to end. 

That's when support from friends and family is vital. 

You wanna surround yourself with people who will wake you up from your nightmare and help you live your wildest dreams.


for some reason, someone decided a long time ago that naming pain is impolite, that hiding it and hiding from it makes more sense. 

It doesn't. It's a lie. 

A lie that both comforts and destroys us.

 A survey showed the typical adult says "I'm fine" 14 times a week. But less than one in five of them means it. 

Our default is to put on a brave face.

 But sometimes it's braver to admit something's wrong.

Because pretending everything's fine eventually catches up to you.

 And when it does, you better hope you can repair the damage that's already done.


It's a natural progression in any profession for the student to become the teacher, the mentee to become the mentor. 

It's not that much different from parenting.

 We learn from our ancestors how to make the perfect soup, how to soothe an aching head or heart. We measure milestones in percentiles and first steps to try and gain insight into the person they'll grow into. 

As if knowing a bunch of numbers on charts is any true measure of what we might make of ourselves

. No one said it was easy, becoming the person you're meant to be

 It takes bravery to step into the power you found and earned and deserve. 

The trick is, to take the people who were there for you, with you, to remind you you're not alone.

 You have an entire legacy behind you as you create your own.


It's been said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. 

But conflict on the road to progress is inevitable. And at least some division is always a certainty. 

Because we all want what we think is best for everyone. And when we can trust at least that much to be true, it's simply not realistic for any house to avoid some division.

 But how much division can any house withstand before it finally falls?

Monday 26 August 2024


nothing is more opaque

than absolute transparency


The music smells like foxes,
crisp as heated metal
searing the nostrils

or humid as August,

 hazy and languorous
as a looted city the day after,
when all the rape's been done already, 

and the killing,
and the survivors wander around
looking for garbage
to eat, 

and there's only a bleak exhaustion.



August is the slow, gentle month that stretches out the longest across the span of a year.

 It yawns and lingers on with the light in its palms.

This morning, the sun endures past dawn. 

 it is August: the summer's last stand.

As we stood there older than men
And younger than the boys (that's right)
We were as still as the wind
That blows on a hot August night

The wild boys are callingOn their way back from the fireIn August moon's surrender toA dust cloud on the rise


The Emperor Octavian, called the August, 
I being his favorite, bestowed his name 
Upon me, and I hold it still in trust, 
In memory of him and of his fame.
I am the Virgin, and my vestal flame Burns less intensely than the Lion's rage; Sheaves are my only garlands, and I claim The golden Harvests as my heritage.

The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning, 

The weeks that come before are only a climb from balmy spring, 

and those that follow a drop to the chill of autumn, 

but the first week of August is motionless, and hot. 

It is curiously silent, too, with blank white dawns and glaring noons, and sunsets smeared with too much color.

Twilight is the border between day and night,

the shore is the border between sea and land. 

The border is longing: 

when both have fallen in love but still haven’t said anything.

 The border is to be on the way. 

It is the way that is the most important thing.

 August is the border between summer and autumn;

 it is the most beautiful month 

August rain: 

the best of the summer gone, 

and the new fall not yet born. 

The odd uneven time.

Those late August mornings smelt of autumn 

from day-break 
till the hour when the sun-baked earth 
allowed the cool sea breezes 
to drive back the then less heavy aroma 

of threshed wheat, 
open furrows, 
and reeking manure.

 In August, 
the large masses of berries, 
which, when in flower, had attracted many wild bees, 
gradually assumed their bright velvety crimson hue, 
and by their weight again 
bent down 
and broke their tender limbs.

Monday 19 August 2024

Monday August 19: Sturgeon Moon - Supermoon


  • Sunday July 21: Deer Moon
  • Monday August 19: Sturgeon Moon - Supermoon 
  • Tuesday September 17: Harvest Moon
  • Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - Supermoon 
  • Thursday October 17: Hunter's Moon - Supermoon 
  • Friday November 15: Beaver Moon  - Supermoon 
  • Sunday December 15: Cold Moon

Full moon happens when the moon is on the opposite side of Earth from the sun.

Perigee –  is the moon’s closest point to Earth in a month 

So  full moon closely coincides with perigee several times each year. 

When that happens, we have a supermoon