Saturday 4 November 2023



November is the eleventh and penultimate month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars

the last of four months to have a length of 30 days 

and the fifth and last of five months to have a length of fewer than 31 days.

 November was the ninth month of the calendar of Romulus c. 750 BC.

 November retained its name (from the Latin novem meaning "nine") when January and February were added to the Roman calendar.

The Western zodiac signs for November are Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) and Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

November's birthstone is the topaz (particularly, yellow) which symbolizes friendship and the citrine.

 Its birth flower is the chrysanthemum

In the Imperial period, the deity who often represents November in Roman art is Isis. The festival of Isis, which began October 28, continued through November 3. The Isia is first recorded on the menologia rustica, which date to the reign of either Caligula (36–39 AD) or Claudius (41–54).

Blodmonath was the Anglo-Saxon month of November. It means 'blood month' or 'month of sacrifice'. During the festival of Blodmonath, people made offerings to the gods by sacrificing their animals.