Thursday 9 March 2023


We all have heroes. 

People we look up to. People we aspire to be, who teach us how to be greater than we are because they are greater than we are. 

They're great if we don't look too closely. 'Cause if we get too close, we realize heroes are just regular people. And regular people can fail us. 

Our heroes aren't special. They're just people. They're like us. They're just trying to survive. They're trying to be happy. Trying to do better. Be better. Feel better

 Heroes aren't more special, more courageous than the rest of us. After all, they're only human. They hurt. They break. They bleed.

 But sometimes, every once in a while, when it matters, they get it right. And that changes everything. 

A hero is only human, but that's the point. If they can do it, so can you. 

So, you keep going. You don't give up. You stand tall. You fight. 

You always show up to save the day.