Sunday 31 October 2010


Machete has finally been mde into a real film and is ready for release.

See the original mock trailer from Grindhouse:

Machete trailer

We remember seeing this and wishing it was a real film - and now it is and looks like being not just one of Tarantino's coolest films but one of the coolest films ever.

As everyone wants to work with Tarantino, the film is packed with guest stars and cameos.

Jeff Fahey plays the main bad guy, in an inspired piece of casting.
Seagal appears.
Jessica Alba has a shower scene.
And Lindsay Lohan appears side topless.
(neither are showing the goods just yet)

Jessica Alba In the Shower In Machete

Lindsay Lohan and Alicia Rachel Marek In Machete, Clip 1

Lindsay Lohan and Alicia Rachel Marek In Machete, Clip 2

This scene is particularly interesting as it shows Mayra Real and we do mean all of her - and just look where she hides her weapon:

Mayra Leal Nude In Machete

Seagal walks in right at the end - which makes two cunts we get to see in this scene