Monday 26 April 2010


Some of the comments on You Tube following the vid are amazing.

One girl writes to say her brother took is own life and quotes the song "this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you."

One poster notes that Don did with words what Vincent did with paint.

Vincent's art and Don's music are otherworldly in their ability to uplift us to a higher level of consciousness and see a beauty we don't notice in our daily life.

If anybody doubts the existence of Heaven, it's art and music, channelled by people like this, that gives us a glimpse.

There are a few idiots having an argument about Tupac and homosexuality. Which contrasts what a broken world we live in and how important it is to find ways to rise above it.

One poster references Joni Mitchell and how our society sees only ugliness not beauty.

Many people post about losing a loved one or about mental illness.