Monday 2 February 2009

Katie Perry

Katie has released her 3rd single, and it's a slow ballad.

Sometimes this works, as in Avril Lavigne. Avril's 3rd was the ballad "I'm With You", following on from "Complicated" and "Skater Boi", and it really worked.

Garbiella Chilme didn't do so well in choosing her ballad. After hitting with "Sweet About Me" and the rocky followup "Save The Lies" her 3rd song sank.

Looks like Katie's about to do the same.

She caught everyone's attention with "I Kissed A Girl", then followed with "Hot and Cold". Her 3rd, a ballad, sounds like an Avril Lavigne song and she even sings it in Avril's voice for some reason. It has some odd vid about being a war widow.

The other thing about Katie is her image wasn't visually refined until the 2nd vid, with the eye makeup we recognise her with from her live appearances. So with "kissed a girl" she doesn't reall look like Katie.

As most artists, especially with their first album, only get 3 hits, and maybe squeeze out a 4th single which grazes the charts, the 3rd single paves the way for a second album. Or not.

A big chance when, like Katie, Avril or Chilme, you start off with a big novelty hit, then follow with a rock number.

Hopefully our Katie will be more Avril than Chilme.