Monday 22 December 2008

Dr Who

So who will take up the role when Tennant retires?

This will be the 11th doctor, so technically there can only be two more. (Though that technicality never stopped the Master).

Personally I think Eccleston should never have had the job and it should have been Tennant from the start of the new era in 2005. (and can we just forget Paul McGann's one off film, same as we don't count Peter Cushing's film Doctor as part of the series?)

I do think that the chance for some truly great Doctors passed us by in the 80s and early 90s.

John Cleese
Hugh Grant
Rowan Atkinson
Eric Idle

and as for the woman who should have been the first female Doctor - Joanna Lumley

There's also speculation about making the first black Doctor as well, very 2009 - and will be good if they find the right person.

We'll see.