Wednesday 2 October 2024

You know that story where a child gets trapped under a car and their parent finds the superhuman strength to lift the car and save the child's life

 I always wondered if that was real.

 If someone I cared about was hurt or trapped, would my instincts kick in? 

Would I know what to do? 

Would I lift the car? 

Jump in front of the bullet? 

Would I be able to beat somebody senseless? 

I like to think I would. 

When someone you love is in physical danger, finding the strength you need to save them is easy. 

But sometimes the threat isn't physical. 

Sometimes, it goes deeper, in which case, no instincts can save you. 

No superhuman strength, no adrenaline rush. 

You can't power your way out of the crashing car. 

All you can do is sit and wait and wish things were different.