Thursday 17 October 2024

The Full Moon on Thursday 17 October 2024 - Hunter's Moon and a Supermoon.


Thursday 17 October 2024
The full Moon on 17 October 2024 will be both this year's Hunter's Moon and a supermoon. 
Saturday 19th,  two days later, the nearly-full Moon will encounter the beautiful blue Pleiades open star cluster

The Hunter's Moon is also a reminder of the changing seasons and the inexorable march of time. As the autumn leaves fall and winter approaches, the full moon serves as a symbol of nature's rhythm and the importance of preparation for the colder months ahead.

October's Hunter's Moon was given its name because it was at this time when tribes gathered meat for the long winter ahead. June's Strawberry moon received its name because many strawberries were commonly harvested at that month.
After the harvest moon comes the hunter's moon, in the preferred month to hunt summer-fattened deer and fox unable to hide in bare fields. Like the harvest moon, the hunter's moon is also particularly bright and long in the sky, giving hunters the opportunity to stalk prey at night.
It gets its name from Farmer's Almanac, which states that it's hunting season when the leaves fall and the deer are fat. Hunters can clearly see the animals that have come out to glean because the harvesters have already reaped the fields. Other names for it include Blood Moon, Dying Grass Moon, and Travel Moon.

The Hunter's Moon is a potent period for magical and spiritual activities. Its significance lies in the amplified energies from the thinning veil between the physical and spiritual worlds, making it a powerful time for crafting or charging magical tools like wands, athames, or pentacles.

In European traditions, the Hunter's Moon has also been associated with hunting, feasting, and festivities. The full moon often played a role in the timing of various activities, from sowing seeds to butchering livestock. Many cultures took advantage of the bright moonlight for communal gatherings and fun

Any Moon near the horizon will appear bigger because the horizon provides more size perspective. It's called the Moon Illusion. When you look at a full moon near the horizon, it often looks more red or orange because the light rays have to travel further into the atmosphere before they get to you
Because the approach of winter signaled the possibility of going hungry in pre-Industrial times, the Hunter's Moon was generally accorded with special honor, historically serving as an important feast day in both northern Europe and among many Native American tribes.
The Hunter's Moon is also a reminder of the changing seasons and the inexorable march of time. As the autumn leaves fall and winter approaches, the full moon serves as a symbol of nature's rhythm and the importance of preparation for the colder months ahead.

The "harvest moon" (also known as the "barley moon" or "full corn moon") is the full moon nearest to the autumnal equinox (22 or 23 September), occurring anytime within two weeks before or after that date. The "hunter's moon" is the full moon following it. The names are recorded from the early 18th century.

The Hunter's Moon can sometimes appear red or orange in color, due to the way that sunlight is scattered by the Earth's atmosphere. This is especially common when the moon is low in the sky, such as during sunrise and sunset.

Some Native American tribes call the moon the "Travel Moon," or the "Dying Grass Moon." The Hunter's Moon is associated with the final harvest and was a signal to begin preparing for winter. It is an excellent time to focus your magic on psychic abilities, transformation, cleansing, protection, and banishment

This moon marked a crucial time for hunters to store up meat before winter. The Hunter's Moon also was considered a feast day for Native Americans and many Western Europeans.

Thursday October 17 2024 

Super Moon 

Hunters Moon 

closest supermoon for 2024 

  • Harvest Moon
    The full moon closest to the fall equinox, the Harvest Moon may occur occasionally in October. It is during the helpful light of this moon that corn is often harvested. This will be the penultimate supermoon of the year.