Saturday, 26 October 2024

 Before we operate, we place drapes over our patient, exposing only the area where we'll be working. 

They not only help us focus on what we need to see, but they keep the field clean and minimize debris getting in the way. Drapes are specialized to fit the needs of various surgeries. The challenge comes when there's a complication under the drape. When the body's draped, we can't see something going pale or a leg turning blue. When we can't see the whole body, we might miss a telltale sign something's gone wrong. 

Much like in surgery, sometimes in life we lose sight of the bigger picture. 

When we're stressed or worried, it can be hard to see the things that are going well. 

And when we're floating on cloud nine, it's just as easy to miss red flags

Expanding our perspective can give us a better, more accurate view of ourselves and the world. 

It may end up being more than you could have ever imagined.