Every life on the planet begins as a single cell, which splits and multiplies over and over again.
Each cell has a purpose and as it forms, internal and external forces converge on it, signalling to the cell what it will become.
We call this process differentiation.
An arm, a bone, a brain: all cells take a journey from generalized to specialized. They go from nothing to something, or what you could be to what you are.
At a cellular level, we are made of forks in the road. A generalized cell is born and it splits and splits, not having much choice in the matter. Eventually, it's a body. Eventually, it's you, out in the world.
So maybe you are who you are. Maybe you can't choose who you love or what you want any more than a cell can choose to be a liver, a lung, a heart.
But cells only take you so far.
In the end, you create yourself and your life is the life you've made.
But no one said it would be easy.