In 1986, Congress passed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, which prohibits emergency rooms from denying patients care. If you don't have a dollar to your name, it doesn't matter. You can go to any emergency room at any time and they have to treat you.
Some people think this law has contributed to overcrowding and hospital closures. But I don't know a single ER doctor who would turn a patient away even if they could. Sometimes all that means is treating an ear infection. Other times, you see a patient on the table and your heart stops. The rarest of diseases. Hopeless co-morbidities. Cases that you've never seen that you're not trained to handle. All you can do is close your eyes and say a prayer. Because once a patient enters the emergency room, they're yours.
When you're met with the impossible, the only place to turn is toward each other.
When you lose, you have someone to cry with.
When you walk into the unknown, you have someone to hold your hand.
And when you win, there's someone by your side to celebrate.
And suddenly, the impossible feels possible.
But sometimes, there's no one to turn to. Sometimes, you're all alone.
In those times, you have to keep the faith.
Remember that even if you can't see them or feel them or hear them, your people are out there, waiting for you.
Even after you're gone.