Monday, 1 May 2023


Infections have a nasty way of sneaking up on you. 

You're feeling pretty good, you think the infection is gone, and then, it reappears, out of nowhere. When your body's still weak, when you're barely recovered, BAM! You're infected all over again.

 And once the infection spreads, once it gets into your bloodstream, well, then you really have to watch it, cause that's the kind of infection that can kill you. 

You know that thing, that terrible thing, you thought you had laid to rest? What if you didn't? 

You know that thing you think you finally figured out? What if you haven't? 

When do you know you've put something to bed? When is it finally safe to move on?

 Maybe you never know. Maybe you just have to test the water. You have to see how it feels.

 And if it feels good, I mean really good, then, hell,  go for it.