Monday, 5 June 2017


Cats have no need of philosophy. 

Obeying their nature, they are content with the life it gives them.

 In humans, on the other hand, discontent with their nature seems to be natural. 

With predictably tragic and farcical results, the human animal never ceases striving to be something that it is not. 

Cats make no such effort.

 Much of human life is a struggle for happiness. 

Among cats, on the other hand, happiness is the state to which they default when practical threats to their well-being are removed. 

They possess as their birthright a felicity humans regularly fail to attain.


Some wanted to be free, 

others wanted to be taken care of


Sunday, 4 June 2017


The supply of matter in the universe was never more tightly packed than it is now, or more widely spread out.

 For nothing is ever added to it or subtracted from it. 

It follows that the movement of atoms today is no different from what it was in bygone ages and always will be.

 So the things that have regularly come into being will continue to come into being in the same manner; 

they will be and grow and flourish so far as each is allowed by the laws of nature.

Friday, 2 June 2017


When we die, as when the scenes have been fixed on to celluloid and the scenery is pulled down and burnt — we are phantoms in the memories of our descendants. 

Then we are ghosts, then we are myths. 

But still we are together. 

We are the past together, we are a distant past. 

Beneath the dome of the mysterious stars, I still hear your voice.


It is remarkable how long men will believe in the bottomlessness of a pond without taking the trouble to sound it.