- Without just one nest
- A bird can call the world home
- Life is your career
when tidal waves hit, there are often people watching on shore. They see the disaster coming, see the horizon disappearing. They don't really see until it's too late. while it's good to plan for the worst, you can't really know how you'll handle it until you're smack dab in the middle of it, under the wave, trying not to drown. Disaster has a tendency to melt away everything else in life. So if you want to know who you'll be in a disaster, ask yourself, "Who am I now?" |
"Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should."
That's how records are broken, how moons are stepped on, diseases are cured, by people who are willing to try.
We call these people innovators. Fearless. Genius. We call them reckless. Thoughtless. Dangerous.
It's hard to know which one we are.
It's hard to know if what we're doing is just crazy or if it's going to change everything.
In the early days of medicine, surgical students would perfect their sewing techniques on tree branches.
Because when looking at an exposed bone in an amputation, human instinct is to recoil, not cut.
get out of the habit of listening to instinct.
So what about those times when there is no road map? Should we go with our gut then? If instinct is all we have, it's not always a bad thing. It can bring us wonderful places, joyful places.
And it can also serve an important service, 'cause our gut is usually what warns us when trouble lies ahead.
In the course of one day, Job received four messages, each with separate news that his livestock, servants, and ten children had all died.
He continued to be a faithful servant. He still prays to God. He persevered.
Job's faith was tested and he passed the test. And for his faith, God rewarded Job with twice what he had before.
“Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” That's what Jesus said on the cross before he died.
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Job asked the question, too. But he kept the faith. And what did he get for it? Replacement children. PTSD.
Was it worth it to have been a faithful servant?
Or would it have been better to just curse God's name from the beginning? Where was God throughout all of Job's suffering and pain? He was winning a bet with Satan.
Makes you wonder where He is through all of the unfairness and inequity and cruelty in the world.
Where is He now?
We all have heroes.
People we look up to. People we aspire to be, who teach us how to be greater than we are because they are greater than we are.
They're great if we don't look too closely. 'Cause if we get too close, we realize heroes are just regular people. And regular people can fail us.
Our heroes aren't special. They're just people. They're like us. They're just trying to survive. They're trying to be happy. Trying to do better. Be better. Feel better
Heroes aren't more special, more courageous than the rest of us. After all, they're only human. They hurt. They break. They bleed.
But sometimes, every once in a while, when it matters, they get it right. And that changes everything.
A hero is only human, but that's the point. If they can do it, so can you.
So, you keep going. You don't give up. You stand tall. You fight.
You always show up to save the day.
“I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws.”
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”
There are some things in life that simply can't be avoided, no matter how uncomfortable they make us
and there can be rewards in stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Even when the thought of it makes us want to puke. Even when we want nothing more than to run screaming for the hills.
That's why people love to say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
But sometimes, those people don't know what the hell they're talking about.
. But, as prepared as we might be, we usually don’t see disaster coming. We can try to envision the worst-case scenario, to foresee catastrophe. But, when true disaster strikes, it often comes out of nowhere. And when the worst really does happen, we find ourselves completely blindsided. Why do bad things happen to good people? We ask that question so often, it's become a cliché, but that's because bad things do happen to good people constantly. You just have to hope that when it's your turn, you'll know what to do, how to cope, how to persevere. But the truth is, you don't know how you'll react to your worst-case scenario. None of us do. Not until it happens. |